We believe in using a small batch approach to cooking, combined with traditional family recipes to produce high quality sauces and condiments with incredible taste.
About Us
Our Mission
Our Story
James and Rose live in Newcastle NSW. James works as a professional fire fighter and Rose as a school teacher. They have three young boys and life definitely gets crazy at times. They both have a passion for cooking and over time their love of delicious recipes evolved into a line of incredible, small batch, hand made sauces and condiments.
‘JAMESANDROSE’ officially started in 2006 when Rose’s Grandma asked Rose to help with some curry paste. For many years Grandma made curry paste for a collection of family and friends near where she lived. When she reached the grand age of 80 Grandma said – “I am too old to make curry paste anymore… you can do it Rose.” James and Rose began by taking over this small duty as well as beginning to supply their own circle of friends. Rose made small batches of 14 jars from their family home and the demand quickly grew for her distinctly flavoured curry paste. Unlike some pastes, it wasn’t too hot and was versatile enough to be used for more than just a delicious curry. Orders increased and soon it was impossible to keep up with demand from their family kitchen. James and Rose made the big decision to hire a commercial kitchen – then things really took off!
As their reputation has grown so has their family business. ‘JAMESANDROSE’ have added other product lines to complement their Curry paste, including Brinjal Pickle (an eggplant pickle), Tomato Kussoundi (a zingy, smooth tomato relish) and Beetroot Relish (a sweet and earthy beetroot favourite).

Our History
Rose (or Roseanne as she likes to be known) comes from Indian decent, her great grandparents began the history of the recipes they use today when they lived in India many years ago… here are a few interesting snippets of the family story…
The good times
Elliot and Esther Bolst (better known as Grandad and Granny) lived in India at a time of British rule. Both were hard working and middle class and they enjoyed a great life. Granny and Grandad had 5 children and money was always in abundance. Grandad was a professional tanner, which provided an excellent income for the family.
Tough times arrive
When the depression hit people simply could not afford the luxuries of leather goods and so the business quickly closed, they sold up and the family moved south. The family used what little money they had to pursue buying and running a coffee plantation. However, as the depression deepened even coffee followed leather as a luxury people could not afford. With little money to survive on, the oldest four children were sadly sent to an orphanage – a choice of last resort (although not uncommon at the time).

Granny and Grandad were driven to get their children back. They were willing try anything to be able to afford to have all their children at home again. This began by Granny making curry and rice takeaway lunches to sell and Grandad would deliver them on his bicycle. It didn’t take long for satisfied customers to spread the word about her meals. These meals were soon expanded to things such as Sunday lunches and Christmas dinners. They also raised ducks throughout the year to sell at Christmas time as another way to get a little extra income.
A new business is born
They began to experiment with small batches of Indian pickles and chutneys. They were very particular about quality and flavour and set themselves very high standards to meet. Granny and Grandad were never afraid to experiment and this added to the uniqueness of their flavours and products. Soon Brinjal Pickle and lime pickle, along with curry paste and curry powders were added to the growing list of quality products. And so, Bolst’s Indian Condiments began.
A family reunited
While Granny made pickles, Grandad would source retail sales for their products. Business continued onwards and upwards and soon they were earning enough money to support their family. As soon as they could Granny and Grandad gathered all 5 of their children and the family was reunited once again. From a basic entrepreneurial need for survival Granny and Grandad overcome financial burdens and could enjoy family life again with all their children.

The company continue
Bolst’s Indian Condiments continued in the family for a number of years becoming a major business until it was sold and the Bolst’s left India in search of new horizons in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom. The company started by Granny and Grandad still export their products to the world from Bangalore in the South of India. In 2008 James and Rose were delighted to have visited and toured through the existing Bolst’s Indian Condiments factory spending time with the new generation owners from the same family who bought it from Granny and Grandad.
Honoured and humbled
Rose (and of course James) feel honoured and humbled to be descendants of the Bolst’s Indian Condiments story and to be able to share products with you that are made from some of the original recipes developed by Granny and Grandad.